Thursday, September 22, 2016

The metal 3D printer trend in Japan.

METI, announced that they are going to launch a project for metal 3D printing after 2017.
The project is not only for development of material, but also the process.
The name of program is “Technological Development for Next-Generation Industrial 3D Printers and Ultra-High-Precision 3D Shaping Systems.”

In the case of 3D metal printers in Japan, Toshiba Corporation and Toshiba Machine Co, Ltd. have already developed a prototype 3D metal printer in 2015.

Toshiba and Toshiba Machine are going to continue development on the prototype to secure further increases in fabrication resolution and speed. The companies aim to bring the printer into practical use in or after 2017.

In the global market, EOS is one of the most famous 3D metal printers.  EOS is pioneer in technology and leader in quality in the field of additive manufacturing.

I think for the manufacturing industry, the effect of 3D metal printers is not small.
From 2014 to 2015, the demands from the consumer side was large, and from 2016 the demand of the industrial side will have more growth in Japan.

Sep 22,2016/By Masafumi Asakura

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Singapore market and Japan market

In the case of the IoT Japan market, Singapore is an important country.
There are two reasons for this importance.

First of all, it is the distance between Japan and Singapore. Almost all of the places in the USA and EU are over a 10 hour flight away. That is a problem in the view point
of travel. For example, if some company visits a Japanese 3D printing factory, it takes a few days to go from the USA or EU to Japan and back.

Secondly, there is a problem about time differences. There is a least a 16 hour time
difference between Japan and Silicon Valley. That's a big barrier even in the case of a Skype meeting.

So, Singapore is better than the USA and EU in these points.

Let me share the more detail about Singapore actions about 3D printing.

In the case of Singapore, the government drives the 3d printing industry.
First of all, there is the Singapore Centre for 3D printing.

The Singapore Centre for 3D printing (SC3DP) was built at Nanyang Technology University (NTU).

Though there is some government support of the 3d printing industry in Japan,the formation of support for the 3D printing industry in Singapore is
better than Japan in 2016.

Best regards,

Masafumi Asakura